Planning In Case Of An Accident: Here’s What You’ll Need To Protect Yourself

With more than 2 million people injured or disabled in vehicle accidents in the U.S. each year, it's important to make sure that you're prepared in case you are in an accident yourself. Whether or not you're at fault for the accident, there is a chance that you will have to prove your case in court in order to resolve discrepancies between you and the other party. Here are a few things you'll want to collect to protect yourself and build your case in the event of an accident: Read More 

Suing For Personal Injury? Why You Need To Put Your Social Media Posting Habits On Hold

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is the first thing you should do in the event of a negligence-related injury. The legal professional will do whatever is necessary to prove the responsibility of your wrongdoer, which means that you'll only need to wait for your compensation. However during your recovery, there are a few things that are part of your life, such as posting statements on social medias, that you should avoid doing because of their potential implications on the ongoing case. Read More 

Getting Divorced? 3 Mistakes That Could Cause Problems Later

There aren't many things more overwhelming than facing a divorce. In addition to worrying about your children and financial situation, you might be stressed about taking time off work to attend proceedings, facing your soon-to-be-ex again, and what your friends and family will think. Unfortunately, enduring the rigors of your pending divorce gracefully is important to your success in court. Here are three mistakes that could cause problems later, and how you can avoid causing trouble: Read More 

What To Do If You Get Bitten By Someone Else’s Dog In A Park

You're walking through a park, minding your own business, when suddenly a loose dog approaches you growling. You back away, but the dog comes after you and ends up biting you in the leg. Unfortunately, this scenario is not particularly uncommon. If you are bitten by a poorly controlled dog in a park, it's important to know the right steps you should take to ensure the dog's owner covers your medical costs and other expenses related to the injury. Read More 

2 Medical Malpractice Mistakes To Avoid

If you feel that your physician has made a mistake that resulted in an injury or some sort of emotional distress, then you may be able to receive a monetary settlement for the damages. A medical malpractice attorney can help you with your case, and the professional will work to provide the best outcome for your situation. If you are unfamiliar with the law or if you are uninformed about malpractice in general, then you may make some mistakes that make your attorney's job more difficult. Read More