Do You Need A Lawyer If You’re Just Being Questioned?

One of the great fears every criminal defense attorney has is that a client will speak with the police without them present. Cops frequently use different tactics, such as being dismissive of why they're talking with someone, to get people to discuss criminal matters without a defense attorney there. Some folks just want to be helpful, but caution is always advised. Don't the Cops Have to "Mirandize" You? That's not necessarily the case. Read More 

Navigating The Process Of Pursuing Your Injury Claim

Suffering an accident that leads to major injuries can be an unpleasant and extremely disruptive experience. Recovering the losses and damages that may have been incurred during these experiences will require a person to be as prepared as possible when they are starting the process of pursuing legal action against those that cause their injuries or damages. Be Careful To Document As Much As Possible One of the most common mistakes that accident victims will make is to fail to thoroughly document the accident and the damages that they suffered. Read More 

The Importance Of The Black Box After A Big Rig Accident

Semi trucks are responsible for transporting loads of consumer goods across the country. Whenever passenger vehicles and large semi trucks share the roadway, the potential for a serious accident exists.  Since most semi truck drivers are classified as commercial employees, you may have a hard time obtaining information from the trucking company following your accident. Your lawyer can subpoena the black box from the truck involved in your accident to help you prove you are entitled to financial compensation. Read More 

Worth Investigating: Why You Might Need A Private Eye When You Divorce

If you predict that your divorce is not one of those that will sail through without a hitch, you probably have some trust issues with your marriage. Divorce needs to be a time of coming clean and full disclosure so that good decisions can be made about child custody and support and marital financial matters. If you have reason to believe that your spouse is ready to be less than forthcoming, read on and find out why a private investigator might be key to having a successful divorce. Read More 

Civil Commitment In Illinois: Worse Than A Criminal Conviction?

In Illinois, defendants who are alleged to have committed certain types of sexual assault may be able to avoid criminal charges by agreeing to a civil commitment. Under the civil commitment program, defendants are committed to a mental health facility and offered various types of treatment in lieu of a criminal conviction and jail time. But under a little-known provision within Illinois's civil commitment law, these commitments can last years, even decades—in many cases, far longer than the defendant would have been incarcerated had he or she been convicted of the alleged crime. Read More