What Does It Take To Win A Wrongful Death Suit For An Unborn Child?

The law provides family members with plenty of recourse for obtaining compensation for damages related to the negligent or intentional death of infants and kids, but what happens when the child is an unborn baby? Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible to sue a liable party for causing the death of a fetus. Here are three things that are required to win a wrongful death lawsuit involving an unborn child. Read More 

Important Steps To Take If You’ve Been Involved In An Accident With A Truck

If you've ever been on an interstate road trip, you've probably noticed the highway absolutely littered with large cargo trucks. Truly, tractor-trailers are a mainstay on our nation's roads. It makes sense, then, that approximately 104,000 people were injured in accidents involving trucks in 2012 alone.  That's why every motorist should know what to do if they've been involved in an accident with a large truck. There are some important considerations that you might miss if you're approaching the accident in the same way as a typical motor vehicle crash. Read More 

Why Do People File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Instead Of Chapter 7?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy offers a way to get rid of debts almost instantly. Chapter 13 bankruptcy, on the other hand, can take years and require repaying some or all of the debt a person owes, so why do people choose Chapter 13? There are times when Chapter 7 is the best solution, but there are other times when Chapter 13 works better. Here are three occasions when Chapter 13 is the best option for a person to choose. Read More 

3 Things You Definitely Shouldn’t Do Before Buying Your First Home

Buying your first home can be an extremely stressful event. With all of the paperwork and logistics to sort out, it's understandable that many people make very basic mistakes that can hinder their ability to seal the deal and ruin their chances of securing their dream home. As such, here are three common mistakes you must avoid when buying your first property: Forgetting to Have the Property Inspected When shopping around for your first home, it can oftentimes be easy to become so bowled over by the pictures and your excitement that you forget to have the property inspected. Read More 

Getting Divorced? 3 Tips For Breaking The News To Your Kids

Divorce is a devastating process that is not only hard on the couple going through it, but it can be heart-wrenching for their children. Statistics show that 45% - 50% of first marriages in the United States ends in divorce. With these high statistics, there's a good chance that your kids have several friends and/or classmates who have divorcing or divorced parents. But this won't soften the blow when you give them the news. Read More