Daycare Anxiety: How Major Life Changes Affect Small Kids

Getting a divorce will have a major impact on your family dynamic, especially if one of you was a stay-at-home parent. In cases such as these, where there are young children who must be cared for, a major change will be the introduction of daycare. Both parents will need to work in order to maintain his and her own household, which means children will have to have at least part-time care outside of the home. Read More 

Gross Negligence Leads To $100,000 Settlement For Utah Teen From School: Learn More About Suing A School District

All that can be said about a recent $100,000 settlement to a Utah teen by her school district over an accident that occurred during an in-class demonstration is, "It probably seemed like a good idea at the time." Learn more about this peculiar case and how certain actions can overcome a school's sovereign immunity against being sued. What is sovereign immunity? Sovereign immunity protects public entities, like the state or local government, against certain lawsuits. Read More 

Unknowingly Bought A House With Mold? Here’s What To Do

When you finally get to move into your new home, it's only natural that you'll be excited! But that excitement can die quickly when you discover that what you thought was the perfect home actually has a mold problem. Whether it's mold in the basement or mold behind a bathroom wall, its presence is concerning since mold can cause health problems like respiratory difficulties and diarrhea. But who is at fault here, and what should you do? Read More 

Top 4 Reasons To Hire A Car Accident Attorney

When you're injured in a car accident that was not your fault, you may not know what to do or how to proceed. A lot needs to be done after being hurt in an auto accident, but one of the first steps should be to hire an experienced car accident attorney. There are many reasons that you should hire a car accident lawyer to represent you, such as: Prove Fault Read More 

Handling A Social Security Disability Denial

If you are saddled with a debilitating medical condition that prevents you from working at your job, you may be able to get the Social Security Administration (SSA) to provide you with a monthly check. Many people get turned down the first time they send in their application, and when you consider how confusing and complex the application process is, it's understandable. Unfortunately, many people just throw up their hands and give up once they get that denial letter from the SSA in the mail. Read More