Back To School: Education And Bankruptcy

While the decision to declare a chapter 7 bankruptcy may have been a difficult one to make, you have made the first step toward getting your financial affairs straightened out and making a fresh start. It could be helpful to understand a couple of hoops that you must jump through as part of your filing, which involves some educational requirements. These two classes are not optional; one must be completed before you file, and the other must be completed before your bankruptcy becomes final. Read More 

How A Real Estate Attorney Looks Out For Your Interests When You Buy A New House

If you're buying a home that's for sale by the owner rather than through a real estate agent, you should hire a real estate attorney to guide you through the process. There are several things that could go wrong, and you could stand to lose a lot of money if you don't take steps to protect yourself. Here are some of the areas an attorney can help with: Understanding The Contract Read More 

Divorcing On The Cheap: How To Save Money On Your Divorce And Child Support Proceedings

Getting a divorce, for whatever reason, is not always an inexpensive process. Lawyers cost money, but they are highly beneficial to have on your side during divorce proceedings, particularly when child support is involved. You want to ensure that all the details regarding child support are carefully evaluated by a legal professional. Having a child support lawyer working for you will save you a lot of money and heartache in the scheme of things. Read More 

Are You Seriously Innocent? 3 Tips For Dealing With Possession Charges For Drugs Found In Your Recently Purchased Used Car

You've always followed the law, and you've even been skeptical of people who claim that they went to jail even though they were innocent. Now, you can't believe that it happened to you, and you're pretty sure that it all comes down to that used car that you recently bought. Unfortunately, the laws concerning drug possession charges are fairly lax in most states, and all it takes is being the driver of the vehicle or sitting close to the drugs in question to face serious criminal charges. Read More 

Accidents Because Of Poor Road Conditions: Who Is Liable For Damages?

If you get into a car accident because of poor road conditions, you might be wondering who might be liable for your injuries and costs. If there was no other vehicle involved, your own insurance can cover costs, but you also don't want to draw too much on your own insurance if someone else was really at fault.  It is possible for a city, county, or state to be liable for accidents that are caused by poor road conditions, but sometimes determining liability can be challenging, and not all poor road conditions are a result of negligence or poor planning. Read More